Saturday, May 19, 2007

It's all about the teeth

The overwhelming theme of last week was teeth. Ethan cut his first two teeth and Andrew lost his first tooth and several days later lost his second. They of course had been holding on by a thread for over a week. As you can see from the photo his new teeth are in. He actually had the two "new" growing behind his baby teeth. Andrew hates this picture. He wasn't quite awake yet and he had "bed head".

These were taken last week as well, Ethan is getting so big. Six months yesterday. I love the black and white one. What sweet boys.....


Anonymous said...

LOVE the photos...especially the black and white brotherly love one. :-) Such beautiful babies you have. Keep the photos coming!!!

By the way, do you think your neighbor would know how to say "Holy Spirit" in Japanese? Long story....(they are ALWAYS long stories with me...) love, t.

Anonymous said...

Patty! That woman ("Sew in Love") opened her shop in Kamakura! You HAVE TO GO THERE. Brace yourself, by the way, for the description of families THROWING out tansus a generation ago..... :-)


Anonymous said...

Your comment of "what sweet boys" doesn't even BEGIN to describe it! They are precious and adorable and we love them MADLY!! I am putting in my request now....I absolutely MUST have a copy of the black & white photo - it is BEYOND beautiful! I miss you all so much and wish I could just grab you all up and hug the stuffing out of you!

Anonymous said...

P.S. Congratulations on all the tooth excitement - those COMING and GOING! :)

Lisa C..Knitter Navy Wife said...

The tooth fairy looks to be very busy at your household! The boys look great.Take Care

Lisa C..Knitter Navy Wife said...

Hey Patty- found some info about a Tokyo Yarn crawl. Go here- I think the boys would love the frog store!